Although many people refer to winter as the rainy season because of the rain and snow, the air is actually more dry during the colder months, which often causes your eyes to be more sensitive.
Our eye care staff is available to assist you in selecting the most effective options to keep your eyes hydrated this winter. Even before you step outside you can prevent dryness by using a humidifier. Eye doctors advocate the use of humidifiers in rooms with forced air heating, which can decrease moisture from the environment.
Additionally, make sure to take extra precautions once you're going outside into the cold air. You can further guard your eyes from the elements by wearing a hat with a brim and wearing sunglasses. It is important to guard your eyes from the swirling winds and prevent evaporation of your eye's tear film.
An additional easy tip for avoiding dry eyes, is using high quality eye cream. Our eye care practice can recommend some good options that will help you keep the ocular area protected.
Don't forget that if you wear contacts it’s important to be particularly cautious in the colder months. If possible, make use of rewetting drops often. While you may not recognize it, lenses are like sponges and must stay hydrated to keep their shape. Once they loose moisture, the lenses can lose their shape and cling to your eyes, which causes pain and blurriness. So do your eyes a favor and keep them lubricated this winter. With a little awareness and preparation, you can stay clear of the dangers of the harsh elements and keep your eyes safe and cozy the whole season!
*Closed daily for lunch between 1pm to 2pm